We are pleased to offer sedation to our patients who may require complex or lengthy treatments, extremely fearful or anxious patients, and patients who would simply like a more pleasant experience in our office. The goal of sedation for children is to help your child stay calm and receive the required care.

There are various types of sedation for children. Depending on your child’s needs, we may use a form of conscious sedation, such as nitrous oxide (N2O), also known as “laughing gas.” Conscious sedation allows your child to stay awake and able to follow instructions while keeping them feeling extremely relaxed and calm. During your child’s consultation appointment, our pediatric dentists will determine which form of sedation is right for their treatment.

Children’s sedation is safe with the right preparation before your child’s appointment and monitoring during and after their appointment. Our office will provide detailed instructions to you and your child about how to prepare for your child’s sedation appointment. Parents can help reduce risk and stress level for their child by following these instructions carefully.

After your child’s sedation appointment, they will feel groggy and drowsy. Make sure someone will be with your child after their appointment for several hours to monitor them. For more information on sedation for children and to find out if sedation may be right for your child, we invite you to contact us today.